Archive | November 2012

No Time Like Now

I always find something inspiring, motivating, or interesting on Twitter. I guess that’s one of the main reasons I’m on there :-)

This tweet came from the amazing Kerri Walsh:
@kerrileewalsh: There is no time like NOW! “There is one thing in this world that has the ability to change our whole life in an instant… IT’S ACTION.”

And it’s Sooooo TRUE!!!

Especially when it comes to getting Healthy and Fit. I know that with the holiday season and all it’s temptations, it’s easier to put off our goals until AFTER or LATER… The holidays, then New Year… But then it’s 6 months later and still nothing has started :-/ This usually leads to lots of guilt and feeling depressed.

That’s why I love this tweet. You don’t have to wait to until After or Later. You Can Start Now!! And starting is the First Step to getting to that Goal. Stop saying that you’re going to start working out – Just Do It! It doesn’t have to be a full intense hour long gym session. Do a set of push-ups and crunches. No, you’re not going to lose 10lbs on the spot or sprout guns for biceps, But you will have taken a step in the opposite direction of doing nothing. And the more times you take Action towards your Goal, the closer you’ll get to it :-) It makes a lot of sense when you think about it – if you don’t do anything, you won’t go anywhere.

I keep this in mind when I’m having an off day or week. I do my best not to dwell on my setbacks and I focus on what needs to be done to get back on track. Unless I’m sick or injured, I also try not to wait until After or Later. I’ll start at that moment. If I’ve been eating unhealthy, I make sure the next thing I eat is healthy. If I’ve been lazy with my workouts, I go through my workouts and pick one or I’ll go for a run.

I’ve always been a big believer in “Actions speak Louder than Words.” You can’t just talk about how you’re going to get healthy and fit. You gotta get up and Do It! Not Later but Now!