
My 2012 Recap

Now that 2013 is here,  I wanted to take a look back on 2012.  It was an amazing year! So much happened. I definitely learned a lot about myself this past year. And it went by so fast!

We had a lot of family fun this year:

Camping at Hatcreek – This is a special place for our family and I Love that I can share this wonderful place with my boys. I’m also very grateful that they got to spend time with their great grandpa who has had such a big influence on the person I am today.

Hatcreek 2012

Fishing Trip to Eagle Lake – so proud of the boys for waking up at 3:30 in the morning for three days straight and toughed out 5-6 hours of fishing.  Seppe wound up being the one to catch not one but 2, fish.

Eagle Lake 2012

San Francisco Zoo with our close friends the McCauley’s – the boys had so much fun. It was everyone’s first time to the SF zoo.

SF Zoo 2012

Great America w/ season passes – we enjoyed having the McCauley’s join us and we went back many times until the season ended.

Great America 2012

TBall for the Boys (Seppe’s 1st year, Gio’s 2nd) Seppe was on the Mets and Gio was a Pirate this year.

Seppe's 1st Season of TBall

Seppe’s 1st Season of TBall

Gio's 2nd Season of Tball

Gio’s 2nd Season of Tball

Disneyland and Universal Studios Vacation – 3 days of Disney and 1 day at Universal. Seppe enjoyed every minute of it. Gio was only happy when he was on a ride. He did not like waiting. lol.


Vegas Trip for Benny and Me

Vegas 2012

Berkley Shoe Camp Out (first and last!)

Berkley CampOut

We had a scary moment in March when Ben wound up in the hospital. He came close to dying but we were so fortunate that the doctors were able save him. It really helped put things in perspective for me and made me appreciate just how precious life is.


For my Personal Fitness, I achieved so many goals and went well pass what I thought I was going to when the year started. I learned that I can always push myself harder.

Completed BeachBody Turbo Fire Challenge

Left - Day1 of BB TurboFireRight - Day after the Last Day

Left – Day1 of BB TurboFire
Right – Day after the Last Day

Fist 10K (Gio’s first 1/2 mile race)

Capital City Classic 10K

Capital City Classic 10K

Big Sur 9miler (w/ Aunt and Sister)

Big Sur 9Miler

Big Sur 9Miler

Disneyland Half Marathon (mini vacation w/ Benny) – first half marathon

1st Half Marathon

1st Half Marathon

NWM Half

Second Half Marathon 6weeks later

Second Half Marathon 6weeks later

Thanksgiving Run To Feed the Hungry  (w/ the family) – beat my time from last year :-)

Family Fitness on Thanksgiving

Family Fitness on Thanksgiving

Tone It Up’s Bikini Series and 3 rounds of the 5DSD – followed TIU Nutrition Plan for most of the year (slightly went off track at Christmas)

Progress throughout my 1st year on the ToneItUp Nutrition Plan after BikiniSeries

Progress throughout my 1st year on the ToneItUp Nutrition Plan after BikiniSeries

Started playing volleyball again :-)

Volleyball every Wed from 7-10

Volleyball every Wed from 7-10

I had so much fun in 2012. It’s been the happiest and healthiest so far.   And I can’t wait for More in 2013!

Following Through

I did it. I followed through with my punishment with the boys. It’s not that I usually don’t, but today I tried something different. And usually I’ll feel guilty or I’ll just take the shorter route – spanking or time outs.

Today I had asked the boys to clean up their room. Gio did his usual and ignored me – not even acknowledging that he heard me. Seppe did his usual whining baby act. I asked several times and even though they went to their room – they did not clean. It was obvious that they were just playing with the toys they were suppose to be putting away. After a few more attempts at asking them to clean their room, I started to get really mad. I started to raise my voice.

Then I found a bunch of toys – good and expensive toys- broken. I asked what had happened and who had done it. Turns out they had gotten into a fight and made each other mad so they broke the other’s toys. I just about lost it.

It was sooooo frustrating!! It had been a long morning. I was tired and annoyed as it is. Ben’s car broke down and had to go to the shop. The house was a mess. I really wanted to just Scream!

Let’s face it, we all yell at our kids at some point. I feel like that’s all I’ve been doing lately in order for them to listen – especially with Gio

Just when I thought I was going to freaking lose it – I stopped myself. Why Do I have to yell? I don’t like to. I don’t have a problem with spanking but honesty, I’m over doing that too. It doesn’t seem to be working anyways.

Instead, I firmly told them to get into their beds and Stay there until I told them they could get out. You would think that this would be Easier to do than spanking or time out – but it wasn’t. Keeping them in their beds was a challenge. It took a spanking the first time they got up to show them I meant business.

I had them in their beds pretty much the whole day. They were not allowed to play with any of their toys and I told them that I was taking away a bunch of them. Obviously they have way too many toys and just take them for granted. I will be boxing quite a few of them up and until they show me they know how take care of their toys, they won’t see them. And these will be their favorites that I take.

There were tears and lots of “I’m Sorry” “You dont love me” “Let me out” and so on. I ignored it all. They got up to use the bathroom then back to bed. I let them come out for dinner and even let them have dessert – then it was time to get ready for bed. I gave them
Hugs and kisses and told them I loved them – like I always do.

It probably sounds extreme. But I’m really hoping that this gets through to them. I love my boys with all my heart but I refuse to continue to let them disrespect me. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day :-)

What Should a 4 Year Old Know?

A very refreshing view about what is truly important for children to learn. I whole heartedly agree with everything in this post :-) I was so worried about Seppe but that is because I was comparing him to his brother. I have to accept that Seppe will learn what he needs to at his own pace and that doesn’t make him less talented than his brother. Sometimes we just need to step back, take a deep breath, and enjoy our children. They already grow up way too fast, there is no need to rush them.

A Magical Childhood

What should a 4 year old know?

It’s back to school time and children all over are starting preschool.  Many parents are frantically searching the internet to find out if their little ones are “on track” and know everything they should.

I wrote this article about what a four-year-old should know many years ago but it continues to be the most popular page on the Magical Childhood site.  I don’t think a week has passed in the past eight or so years when I have not received a letter from a parent, grandparent or teacher about it.  Parents and principals especially have said they wish more parents realized these things.

So in honor of the new school year, I’m posting it here…

What should a 4 year old know?

I was on a parenting bulletin board recently and read a post by a mother who was worried that her 4 1/2 year old did not know enough…

View original post 1,194 more words



If you know me, you know that I am NOT a religious person. I am a firm believer that Spirituality is an Individual choice and journey. I feel religion tends to control more than guide these days. So why would some “non-believer” like me have my kids saying Grace at dinner?

Well, despite my dislike of the religious aspect of it, I believe that saying Grace teaches my boys something important: Gratitude.


To me it’s not just a Prayer. I want them to take a few moments to think about All that they Have in their Life. A few moments where they aren’t concerned about Not having some stupid toy or Not getting something they want. I want them to be Grateful for what they Have and hopefully help them realize not to take it all for granted.

It’s so easy to do. We all forget how precious and short our time really is. We are all so worried about getting the things we Don’t have we forget to appreciate what we do have…. Until its gone. For kids it’s even harder to realize because to them everything is forever :-)

I figure that by saying Grace at dinner, they can start to see that as long as we have each other, a roof over heads, food on our plates, and clothes on our backs that we have all we Need.  Even though we Dont have all that we Want, we have so much to be grateful for.


What A Parent Never Wants To Do

There are something’s that I come across while I’m online that just inspire me to write. It might because it touched me deeply, sparked an idea or really made me think about Life. And this story is one of them:

As different as we all are in parenting, the One thing we all can agree is that We Never Want to bury our children. They bury Us – that’s How it’s Suppose to Be.

But what if the unthinkable happens? I Hate to think about it because it brings me to tears. Losing my boys is my biggest fear. I couldn’t imagine what Emily is going through. Knowing that there is nothing you can do but enjoy the time you have. It’s heartbreaking. If it’s not getting terrible news about a terminal illness, it could be some horrible accident. There are just no guarantees.

And that’s why I worry so much. Why every cough, sneeze, cold, flu, scratch, bump on the head, and mood changes can be nerve wrecking.

I try not to over react and I do a pretty good job of containing my paranoia. But I always worry that it could be something serious. I have no clue how I would handle finding out that one of my boys was terminally ill.

This article really made me realize how easily we take our kids for granted. We are so focused on turning them into “proper” adults and preparing them for the future. How often do we just enjoy them being a kid… our kid(s)?

My boys are with their Grandpa for the weekend but I wish they were home so I could just hold them. Hug them. And tell them that I Love Them with All My Heart and Soul.

I love how she ends her story: “Parenting, I’ve come to understand, is about loving my child today. Now. In fact, for any parent, anywhere, that’s all there is.”

I Love My Boys!