BeachBody Challenge Day8

After Friday’s workouts and late night camp out, I was so worn out.  We got up around 10a Saturday morning and got ready to check out. Another Luna Bar for breakfast.  We realized that with all the shoes we bought, we had to get another suitcase. lol.  We headed back to the Cosmo so Ben could say good bye to his new friends and walked over to Walgreens to pick an extra suitcase.

We had to return our rental car and make our way to the airport. We wanted to be there earlier rather than later because last time we were rushing to make our flight.  Ben was hungry so we decided to have brunch at a restaurant at the airport. The closest one to our gate was a Mexican restaurant. I went for a chicken taco salad but didn’t eat any of the taco shell. I stuck with water. I slept for most of the flight home – that was how tired I was. I got up as we were making our decent.  The bay area was very overcast but it was kinda cool to look out the window.  We saw our apartments and the park I ride my bike to.

Bay Area Clouds

San Mateo Bridge

Our Apartments and Neighborhood

Ryder Park - where I do TIU' s Stair Circuit

I was very happy to be home.  I love visiting Vegas. I always have fun when I go, but I missed my boys and missed my busy life. Who would have thought? Lol.

So happy to be home with my Seppe

Meal 4 was 2 clementines. I was craving some fresh fruit :-) Dinner was a simple Shakeology shake – just water and ice.

———————————- Turbo Fire Day 6 ————————————

Fire 30 Stretch 10

I really didn’t feel like working out at all. I was tired from traveling and there was so much to do around the house to get things back to normal. After relaxing for a little bit,  I made myself do my Turbo Fire workout.  Fire 30 and Stretch 10 was on the schedule.  This time around, I went straight to class and skipped the breakdown.  I wasn’t perfect but I did pretty well.  I was able to bump up my intensity a little bit now that I wasn’t as concerned with the moves. The stretching really helped me relax and unwind from traveling.

I ended with a 4 minute plank – 1 min on elbows, 1 min hands, and 1 mean side plank (each side).

PlankADay - Alternating Postions

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